Food security in a changing world: Disentangling the diversity of rural livelihood strategies across Uganda

By marcel.lubbers , 5 June, 2019
    Food security, diversity, strategies, Uganda
    Wichern, Jannike
    Prof. Dr Ken E. Giller
    Dr Katrien K. E. Descheemaeker, Dr Mark T. van Wijk

    Climate change increasingly challenges smallholder farming and our ability to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) in sub-Saharan Africa.

    In this thesis, I explored how micro-level information from cross-country household survey data can be used for effective planning of interventions. A further research aim was to understand within-country patterns of livelihood strategies in relation to food security and vulnerability to climate change of rural households in Uganda. Cross-country household data from the World Bank Living Standard Measurement Survey – Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) were used to 1) aggregate household level information to higher levels (e.g. districts, regions, livelihood zones), 2) spatially interpolate household level information and 3) identify hotspot areas of household vulnerability. I used data that I collected from two sites in Uganda for an in-depth analysis on current coping strategies of households for climate and price variability. Household food security was approximated using a food availability indicator that quantified the contribution of livelihood activities to household foodavailability...

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