Intensification through diversification: exploring legumes crop allocation strategies in the maize-based cropping systems of the Tanzanian bread-basket

By thomas.delaune , 23 November, 2023
    Organizational Context
    Thomas Delaune
    Plant Production Systems
    Graduate school
    Start date of project

    Diversified agricultural systems that integrate legumes have been shown to enhance soil fertility, pest and disease control, and mitigate climate variability in smallholder systems of Sub-Saharan Africa. However, despite decades of promotion, the adoption of legume integration in these systems has been slow. This is partly due to a lack of understanding of the current crop allocation practices of smallholder farmers and the contextual barriers to legume adoption. The thesis aims to improve the understanding of cropping system planning and management by smallholder farmers and to explore pathways to facilitate legume integration on the basis of current crop allocation practices. The study will use both qualitative and quantitative methods, including farm-level simulation, remote sensing, and farmer’s interviews to contribute to the development of appropriate interventions to promote the adoption of legume-based sustainable intensification options. 

    Role supervisor

    Katrien Descheemaeker (Promotor) 

    Jens Andersson (Daily Supervisor) 

    Renske Hijbeek (Daily Supervisor)

    Who's collecting the data

    Thomas Delaune (PhD)

    Arno Lamberti (MSc) 

    Fritz Eckstein (MSc)

    Who's analysing the data

    Thomas Delaune

    Location short term storage

    All data will be stored on my local harddisk in a folder called Thesis.

    Within this Thesis folder, I'll create per chapter the folders: DataModelPaper and Scripts. The Data folder has two sub-folders called: Raw and Processed.

    Folder contents:

    • Data - Raw sub-folder: Contains all raw data and meta-data (a description of your data).
    • Data - Processed sub-folder: Contains all processed data. 
    • Model folder: Complete listing of the model and the model results & analysis.
    • Paper folder: Text of a chapter / paper.  
    • Scripts folder: Contains all scripts used.
    Backup procedure

    The complete content of my local Thesis folder will be stored on my YoDa-drive. 

    During periods I'm abroad, I'll backup the complete content of my local Thesis folder to a Dropbox or MS-Onedrive Thesis folder and share the contents with my supervisor(s). 

    Research data with value for long term storage

    Datasets (raw and processed), scripts (R, JavaScript, Python), publications, and posters

    Research data excluded for long term storage. Why?


    Plans for sharing data?

    As far as possible all data will be publically available at the exception of the geographic location of the data sources.

    How to access data once you leave?

    The PhD Library site of PPS,  on this location all data for each chapter of my thesis will be stored in a seperate zip file.

    Specific funders requirements for sharing data, or to impose embargo?


    Privacy, security issues? How you deal with them?

    Privacy sensitive data will be excluded from the shared datasets.