
By marcel.lubbers , 14 February, 2019
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Title Author(s) File
Python using Virtual Environments with Anaconda - Video 26 min. Academind Anaconda (Conda) for Python - What & Why (1080p).mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 1 Classes and Instances (Video 15 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 1 Classes and Instances.mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 2 Class Variables (Video 13 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 2 Class Variables.mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 3 Classmethods and staticmethods (Video 15 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 3 classmethods and staticmethods.mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 4 Inheritance - Creating Subclasses (Video 19 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 4 Inheritance - Creating Subclasses.mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 5 Special (MagicDunder) Methods (Video 14 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 5 Special (MagicDunder) Methods.mp4
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial 6 Property Decorators - Getters, Setters, and Deleters (Video 10 min.) CoreyMS Python OOP Tutorial 6 Property Decorators - Getters, Setters, and Deleters.mp4
Unit Testing your Code with the unittest Module (Video 40 min.) CoreyMS Python Tutorial Unit Testing Your Code with the unittest Module.mp4
25 nooby Python habits you need to ditch (Video 9 min.) James Murphy 25 nooby Python habits you need to ditch-1.mp4
Copy file script to demonstrate several Python statements M. Lubbers
Connect to MySQL using SSH tunnel M. Lubbers How to connect to MySQL via an SSH tunnel in Python.pdf
Using the Monte Carlo method to calculate numerically the integral of a function M. Lubbers
Python as Fast basics as Possible - Learn Python in 75 min. - Video Tech With Tim Python As Fast as Possible - Learn Python in ~75 Minutes.mp4
Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) for Beginners - Video 53 min. Tech with TIM Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) - For Beginners.mp4