NUANCES and NUISANCES Crop production intensification options for smallholder farming systems of southern Africa.

By marcel.lubbers , 12 December, 2013
    Soil fertility decline, erratic rainfall, crop productivity, smallholder farms, southern Africa
    Rusinamhodzi, Leonard
    Prof. dr. K.E. Giller
    Dr. ir. M. Corbeels
    Southern Africa

    Soil fertility decline and erratic rainfall are major constraints to crop productivity on

    smallholder farms in southern Africa. Crop production intensification along with efficient use

    of chemical fertiliser is required to produce more food per unit area of land, while rebuilding

    soil fertility. The objective of this thesis was to identify appropriate crop production

    intensification options that are suitable to the socio-economic and biophysical conditions of

    selected smallholder maize-based farming systems in southern Africa. Three sites that formed

    a gradient of intensity of crop and livestock production were selected for the study. Murehwa in

    Zimbabwe is characterised by the largest intensity followed by Ruaca and lastly Vunduzi both

    in central Mozambique. In all three sites, maize is a key staple and cash crop. A literature

    review, field methods based on participatory research, and modelling tools were combined in

    analysing potential crop production options across an agricultural intensification gradient. A

    meta-analysis on maize grain yield under rain-fed conditions revealed that conservation

    agriculture required legume rotations and high nitrogen input use especially in the early

    years. Reduced tillage without mulch cover leads to lower yields than with conventional

    agriculture in low rainfall environments. Mulch cover in high rainfall areas leads to smaller

    yields than conventional tillage due to waterlogging, and improved yields under CA are likely

    on well drained soils. Crop productivity under conservation agriculture depends on the ability

    of farmers to achieve correct fertiliser application, timely weeding, and the availability of

    crop residues for mulching and systematic crop rotations which are currently lacking in

    southern Africa. An additive design of within-row intercropping was compared to a

    substitutive design with distinct alternating rows of maize and legume (local practice) under

    no-till in the Ruaca and Vunduzi communities of central Mozambique. Intercropping

    increased productivity compared to the corresponding sole crops with land equivalent ratios

    (LER) of between 1.0 and 2.4. Maize yield loss was only 6-8% in within-row intercropping...
